Opportunities to Get Involved
Smart Lab Volunteers
We are looking for parent volunteers willing to help assist 2nd and 3rd grade students with projects in the Smart lab during their specials rotations.
If you are interested please see the sign up! -
Peli Nest/Library Morning Volunteers Needed
We are looking for a few parents who would be able to volunteer from 7:45-8:15am in the mornings to help students pick prizes from our Peli Nest and assist with other task in the Library! This is a fun, flexible way to get involved and connect with students while we celebrate outstanding student behavior.
Please see the sign up list if you are available to cover one or more days a week.
Adopt a Plan Day
We are looking for parents to Adopt a Plan Day by providing 30 small treats for teachers during the Peli Day Planning meetings each Wednesday. If you are available to help, please see the sign up!